Extend Your Growing Season: Building a Hinged Hoophouse for Raised Bed Gardens

Extending your growing season and safeguarding your plants from the elements and pests becomes effortless with a hinged hoophouse tailored for your raised bed garden. This comprehensive guide ensures that even novice gardeners can construct a reliable hoophouse and reap the rewards of extended gardening seasons.

Materials Required:

  • PVC pipes (1/2 inch diameter)
  • Heavy-duty plastic sheeting (6 mil)
  • Hinges
  • Stainless steel screws
  • Wooden planks (for the raised bed frame)
  • Pipe clamps
  • UV-resistant zip ties

Tools: Drill, saw, measuring tape, staple gun

Step 1: Prepare Your Raised Bed

Begin by constructing a sturdy raised bed using wooden planks, ensuring its optimal placement in a sunny spot within your garden.

Step 2: Measure and Cut PVC Pipes

Customize PVC pipes to fit the width of your raised bed, cutting them to create arches at regular intervals along the length.

Step 3: Install Hinges

Designate one side of the raised bed as the fixed base and attach hinges to the opposite side for easy opening and closing.

Step 4: Attach PVC Pipes to Hinges

Secure PVC pipes to the hinged side of the raised bed using screws and pipe clamps, ensuring a smooth swinging motion.

Step 5: Cover with Plastic Sheeting

Drape heavy-duty plastic sheeting over the PVC arches, leaving excess material to cover the bed’s ends. Trim and secure the sheeting tightly.

Step 6: Secure the Plastic Sheeting

Use UV-resistant zip ties to tightly secure the plastic sheeting to the PVC hoops, and staple it to the wooden frame on the hinged side.

Step 7: Final Adjustments

Test the hoophouse’s functionality by opening and closing it, making necessary adjustments to ensure proper fit and operation.

Step 8: Ventilation

Facilitate airflow within the hoophouse by rolling up the plastic sheeting or installing additional vents to regulate temperature and humidity.

Maintenance Tips:

Regularly inspect the hoophouse for damage, particularly after severe weather. Replace worn or damaged plastic sheeting as needed. Periodically lubricate hinges for smooth operation.

Building a hinged hoophouse tailored to your raised bed garden enhances plant growth and provides a controlled environment for optimal cultivation. Whether extending your growing season or safeguarding against pests, this practical solution elevates your gardening experience.